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A brand new International Internship Programme between The University of York and The University of Wisconsin-Madison students the opportunity to build upon the knowledge base of Social Enterprise.

2013 saw the launch of a brang new international exchange programme between two world ranking universities, offerin the unique opportunity..

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The first research programme consisted of three key research associates from The Unibersity of York and involved a number of trusted experts and professionals within the social economy

This new project aims to create an open and transparent knowledge base of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship to benefit not only those taking part but for everyone to share in order to put the social in the heart of our today.

The Growth of European Venture Philanthropy

Summer 2013


A guide to understanding recent European market trends

& Resources
Social Innovation and Resilience

Summer 2013


Social innovations must take into account the complexity of social problems and foster solutions resilient enough to adapt and survive.

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